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Ecological equipment for multiple and continuous capture of pest rodents with integrated digital system for remote control.

Monitoring trap for cockroaches

Ekoxy3 is the range of ozone generators for ecological disinfection.

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New TAK logo, a crossroads between past and future, full speed ahead towards “versatility.”

We are pleased to introduce the new TAK logo, which will be gradually implemented on the production of adhesive plates and traps starting[...]

Events Fairs


Only a few days left until the start of the 2024 edition of Pestworld, which this year will take place in Denver, Colorado,[...]

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Summer Break Office Closure and Suspension of Shipments

We inform you that, due to the summer break, Ekommerce offices will be closed for holidays from Monday, August 12, to Friday, August[...]

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We would like to inform you that, during the Christmas holidays, our offices will be closed from December 27, 2023, to January 5,[...]

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